SCOPE (2024)
Within the scope of the second training program, the initial focus will be on the processes of digital humanities and the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of digital Islamicate studies, exploring its applications, and discussing the new approaches it introduces to social sciences and Islamicate studies. Subsequently, a fundamental topic of discussion will be the intersection of AI and research ethics, aiming to provide a general framework. Unlike previous modular approaches that allowed independent treatment of topics, this training is organized in a manner where all lessons will be open to all participants, given the complementarity of the covered subjects in this term.
While working with large language models in the field of AI provides some ease for users in terms of coding, the program will begin with basic coding knowledge and practical training on AI methods to facilitate the smoother comprehension and delivery of subsequent practical courses. As the training on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and OCR/HTR technologies are intertwined, they are planned consecutively, with practical sessions conducted collaboratively with participants. Considering the intensity of the courses, project-based practical presentations are scheduled on different days. Analysis for the Islamic literature based on large language models will be covered in one session, demonstrating how OpenITI can be utilized as a source and IsarGPT as an AI model in collaboration with participants. In another session, experiments will be conducted using these methods within various theological disciplines such as history, jurisprudence, hadith, and exegesis. Participants will have the opportunity not only to use ready-made data and models but also to design their own models.
Within the scope of this training, participants are expected to:
To be aware of fundamental discussion topics, gain awareness on how to manage work processes, considering ethical dimensions,
Acquire knowledge of basic Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods,
To familiarize themselves with the technical background of Islamicate studies conducted with large language models and actively participate,
Exploring potential outcomes for Islamicate studies discipline through practical applications on texts within their respective domains,
Learning widely-used AI methods such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) and understand the new perspectives they bring to research with written works,
To benefit from experienced educators in the field, drawing from both domestic and international projects, to gain insights into text data extraction processes.
The content has been designed to bring together an academic team of experts, focusing on the goals of enhancing participants' awareness of ethical considerations, introducing fundamental AI methods, delving into the technical aspects of AI applications in Islamic Studies, and showcasing the potential outcomes in their specific fields through practical exercises.
The program is organized over a maximum of 7 days, with two days consisting of three blocks each and the remaining days with four blocks, ensuring a day's gap between lessons to allow participants to work on the material covered in each session. This approach aims to prevent an overwhelming schedule and provides participants with the opportunity to engage deeply with the content.