23/3 Training Days and Hours (Training will be online)
Course Name: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Educator: Assoc. Dr. Yunus Ugur
Lesson Time: 5 February 2024 - Monday 09.00-10.30
Course Name: Introduction to Digital Theology Research
Educator: Dr. Res. See. Tuba Nur Saraçoğlu
Lesson Time: 5 February 2024 - Monday
Course Name: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Educator: Prof. Dr. Hasan Güçlü
Lesson Time: 5 February 2024 - Monday
Introductory Courses and Project Application Example course
All participants must take it.
Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri
These are the methods used to map textual, visual, and auditory information and materials that can be linked to space, and to analyze and visualize geographical information with its historical processes and materials. GIS is also used in prominent projects in the field of historical studies in Turkey. The importance of GIS for Islamic sciences comes from the fact that it enables the geographical processing of information scattered in the sources, interpretation within the historical process, determination of regional differences, and visualization of written material. In this way, it is possible to create an infrastructure that will feed the research to be carried out on topics such as mapping the mobility of ulema, spatial circulation of texts/books, cultural inventory of structures related to the history of institutions, regional historiography, and regional hadith. Within the scope of the project, ArcGIS, one of the most advanced programs used in the field of GIS, will be trained.